A mental health and wellbeing initiative created by men for men...

At MANK1ND our primary aim is to raise awareness of the mental challenges facing men in todays challenging environment. We are a new initiative creating a mental health and wellbeing community aimed at supporting local men who need assistance to "reset their mindset"....

 The current mental health pandemic has exhausted the NHS and our aim is to provide complimentary services to ease the pressure. Sometimes the men in our lives need to have dialogue with other like minded men, who can buddy up with you to help and guide you through the difficult days..


An opportunity to be heard....

We can provide you with online therapy,

1-2-1 counselling services, 1-2-1 hypnotherapy sessions and an opportunity to speak confidentially to men just like you who have went through the same problems you are going through and have come out the other side. We provide structured counselling sessions designed to help you reset your mindset....every difficult journey begins with one small step....

Helping men to heal themselves...

Mank1nd will help you to get connected with a group of like-minded individuals experiencing the same issues as you. Sharing our problems and solutions to our day to day challenges helps us to re-organise our thoughts and control our emotions. It's what we do together that helps us to heal faster.

Reset your mindset, we care about you....

At MANK1ND, we know how difficult life can get, so we'll keep supporting you through the ups and the downs....

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